Boom.  Parts is parts.

A couple of things bear mention this week.  I will be interviewed on Krypton Radio’s “Stark Reality” radio show on January 17.  Stark Reality plays at 10AM, 2PM, 4PM, 10PM and again at 4AM, and will repeat all week.

There are two more buttons on the right sidebar of the page now, one for The Webcomic List, and one for Comic Basement.   The Webcomic List is not a vote button, but automatically calculates a ranking based on traffic.  It’s a very useful resource for webcomic lovers — it shows when listed comics have updated.  Comic Basement, however IS another vote button, and I’d be very glad if you would take a moment to click it when you remember and vote for this site!

The third thing I have to mention is I need to do some maintenance on the site sometime this week.  If you try to access it and see something weird, or it doesn’t appear to be working properly, don’t worry, I’m probably doing some work on it.  Check back in a little while and it will probably be fine.