Well, this week was a bust.  Between medical needs and Hurricane Irene, I got very little done.  I had two days shot to heck with medical stuff, and then, just as I was getting ready to do some artwork, Irene knocked out my power.  Thankfully it came back on this morning and I could get some filler done, but a story page will have to wait — there just wasn’t time.  The good news is, the new treatment seems to be helping, at least so far.  I’m only halfway through, so we’ll see how it goes when I’m done.

This week’s artwork captures the theme of my real life if nothing else.  Maggie is patterned after my real-life partner, and we spent a very stormy night roughing it.  We may not have been in a tent under some trees with a roaring fire, but we were in a pitch-dark house with a hurricane outside, dumping water on us sideways while lightning flashed and the wind howled. And we couldn’t even make coffee.

I rectified that.  I ordered a propane burner, a teakettle, and a french press.  There will be coffee next time.